
JSL Ltd. is the third largest steel producer in India in terms of tonnage.The main challenge the client was facing was managing the paper work involved during the quality control process in the laboratories at the Rolling mills.
Implementing the new paperless solution changed the operational behavior of the Quality Control processes at JSL. The existing products, samples in various phases i.e. Incoming (Ferro Alloys, Scrap, Acid, Molasses, Raw Materials), Intermediate (Heat Samples, Slag) and Finished (Varying grades of Steel), and processes were mapped to the CodonLIMS software. The LAB instruments like the Spectrometer, XRF and LECO were integrated into CodonLIMS. Report and certificate generation was automated and reports were transferred to the SAP based system in the plant seamlessly.
All tasks had to be complete in accordance with GMP standards. Installation of the System was taken care by Codon and the Codon professionals provided exhaustive training to the lab personnel so that the clients could use CodonLIMS easily.
Know more about CodonLIMS →Celon Labs and CodonLIMS

Celon Labs is GLP/GMP approved Pharmaceutical Company into manufacturing formulations of oncological treatment. The personnel at Celon Labs were monitoring sample progress from Raw Materials, In Process, Intermediate, Final Product stages manually through various text based tools like Word, Excel, and written documents. After a certain point they figured out that such manual monitoring becomes a management nightmare.
Implementing the new paperless solution changed the operational behavior of the Quality Control processes at JSL. The existing products, samples in various phases i.e. Incoming (Ferro Alloys, Scrap, Acid, Molasses, Raw Materials), Intermediate (Heat Samples, Slag) and Finished (Varying grades of Steel), and processes were mapped to the CodonLIMS software. The LAB instruments like the Spectrometer, XRF and LECO were integrated into CodonLIMS. Report and certificate generation was automated and reports were transferred to the SAP based system in the plant seamlessly.
All tasks had to be complete in accordance with GMP standards. Installation of the System was taken care by Codon and the Codon professionals provided exhaustive training to the lab personnel so that the clients could use CodonLIMS easily.
Know more about CodonLIMS →Viraj Projects and docuHive

Viraj Projects is a diversified Infrastructure company. They are into construction of various turnkey projects across India. The personnel at Viraj Projects are spread out across India. The project reporting of the on-going projects was becoming a concern. Without the status of project in progress the managers were not able to provide the qualified status reports to upper management and also other stakeholders. When there were one or two projects happening it was easy to manage as the company grew managing the reprots were becoming achilees.
Viraj Projects used docuHive for streamlining their processes at the worksites. docuHive gave them necessary security controls, report uploading, enterprise access and timely access to the needed information to be able to provide qualified information to the management. The buil-in workflow process helps collaboration among groups within the enterprise to modify appropriate processes. docuHive also provides audit trail of document uploads/downloads.
Know more about docuHive →Others